Crazy Website Developers

I originally posted this article back in 2016 and I pulled it to dust it off today because I am currently working with two SEO clients who have hot messes of websites. These companies have tried multiple website developers and SEO agencies, only to be left with hacked up websites with no website traffic, conversions, or ROI.

It’s buyer beware and sometimes I feel like digital marketing is the wild west of technology. Your website is an important part of your business. If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that digital marketing is necessary. The world has gone online and we won’t go back to a reliance on traditional sales techniques.

Don’t fall for empty promises or spam emails. Do your homework and don’t settle for anyone you can’t trust.

Now on to the original story…

Friday I had to laugh. A sad laugh that is brought on by the strong desire not to cry.

Within 48 hours I had received three different pieces of communication from people talking negatively about their website developers. This is beyond frustrating since this is my profession and we’ve been working with WordPress development for over a decade.

Does a website design and development project really need to be filled with trials, tribulations, and ongoing angst? Can the process ever go smoothly and within the expectations set prior to money changing hands?

Yes, it can, but these successes are never the stories we hear about.

My communication this week made me think of the phrase “trials and tribulations” and it took my back to Sunday school and listening to Bible verses from Corinthians or Romans. So much disappointment and struggles fill these projects. Money is wasted, time lost, and sales disappear into thin air.

Think I’m being overly dramatic? Let me share some real-world comments received within the last two days.