What is Acne? What are Risk factors, Diagnosis and Treatment

What are the risk factors and triggers for the development of acne?

The following risk factors are listed by the best acne specialists nearby, and they include Age – although the condition can occur at any age, it is more commonly seen during the teen years; Hormonal Changes – that are more common during adolescence and pregnancy can increase the risk of acne or trigger it; Family History – individuals with a family history of acne are more like to develop the condition themselves; Skin contact with greasy or oily substances – can trigger or increase the risk of acne development; Friction – excessive friction on the facial skin, or chest and back skin can trigger or increase the risk of acne.   


Skin doctors for acne nearby also advice that certain medications steroids, or medicines containing testosterone such as birth control pills, or lithium can act as triggers. Similarly diet containing high carbohydrate content such as bread, chips, can also play a role in triggering or worsening acne. Stress although not directly responsible as a cause or trigger, can worsen already existing acne and make it more severe.


The best acne specialist nearby explain that there are a lot of myths surrounding acne, and it is important to note that eating greasy food or chocolates does not trigger or worsen acne. According to skin doctors for acne nearby poor hygiene has no direct association with acne, but excessive and hard scrubbing of the skin, or using harsh soaps or chemicals to clean it can trigger excessive oil production and lead to the development of acne. Likewise, cosmetics are also falsely implicated in the development of acne, but the best acne specialists nearby say that the use of non-oily cosmetics and following proper makeup removal procedures in no way contributes to the development of acne.


What are the complications of acne?

Untreated acne can lead to the development of complications that can lead to acne scars and acne blemishes that can be permanent. Acne can also result in psychological problems such as low self-esteem, depression, and social anxiety. More severe complications of acne include the progress to even more severe forms of acne such as Acne Conglobata in which there is a presence of high levels of inflammation, very large nodules and cystic lesions that lead to the formation of interconnected abscess formation on the face. An even more serious complication is the development of a condition called Acne Fulminans in which systemic symptoms such as fever, generalized weakness, and joint pains may also be seen.


How is acne diagnosed?

The diagnosis of acne is done by the best skin doctors in Hyderabad for acne treatment via a medical history and a clinical examination. The same can also be done by online dermatologist doctor consultation. Acne diagnosis does not require any special investigations, but sometimes tests such as serum androgen levels, and serum growth hormone levels may done to assess the role of hormones in hormonal acne.


What does Acne Treatment include?

The treatment for acne vulgaris focuses on decreasing oil production, reducing inflammation, and eliminating bacterial infections. Medicines used in the treatment of acne include Retinoids that help in the prevention of blockage of hair follicles, Antibiotics for treating bacterial infections, and agents like Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, Azelaic Acid for reducing inflammation and oil production, Anti-Androgen agents to reduce androgen levels, and steroids for reducing severe inflammation. In stubborn and severe cases, combination therapy is used to treat acne.

Interventions such as lasers and photodynamic therapy, Chemical Peeling, Comedo-Extraction, Dermabrasion, Microneedling can help in acne treatment, and managing complications such as acne scars and acne blemishes.


What can be done for acne prevention?

The best acne specialists nearby advise that acne prevention can be possible by simple lifestyle modifications such as avoiding excessive washing or scrubbing of the face and limiting it no more than 2 times a day; Avoiding the use of harsh soaps and chemical on the face; Avoiding excessive sunlight exposure; Avoiding excessive pressure or friction on the skin through the use of smartphones, etc.; Avoiding picking or touching the acne lesions.

If you’re looking for a dermatologist in Hyderabad, you may want to consider Skedoc, Booking a doctor’s appointment online near you can be a convenient way to schedule a visit with a healthcare professional. Skedoc helps you to book doctor appointments online with a top expert doctor of your choice, at a time and location that is convenient for you




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